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How It Works

What is a biome? What is in your hair care products? Learn how illumai’s 3-product Biome Care System relieves hair symptoms and delivers healthy beauty to all hair types. Learn how to get the best results.

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Detox Your Locks!
Detox Your Locks!
When your biome is balanced, common hair symptoms disappear. You’ll need to wash less often. Your hair will feel stronger, look shinier and feel real. Detox your locks monthly or every wash. Illumai is safe for daily use and the biome-balancing results get better each and every time.

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Meet Dr. Zasloff
Meet Dr. Zasloff
Michael Zasloff (MD, PhD) is the Chief Science Officer and medical guru behind illumai and our patent-pending XO-70® science. A firm believer that every day is a good day to discover a better solution, Dr. Zasloff has dedicated his career to understanding the self-healing properties of the skin.

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Why is My Hair Falling Out?
Why is My Hair Falling Out?
Alarmed at the mounds of hair stuck to your brush or collecting at the bottom of your shower? Should you be concerned, or is it natural? Learn the ins and outs of hair loss, and how a range of different factors affects your particular hair type, and find out what you can do to keep more of your hair on your scalp, rather than in your brush.

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